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Best-of-Records & Title Editor

The NEWBOOKS Data Hub is a cloud-based application for managing and integrating bibliographic data in real time, e.g. for your web shop, our ERP or other software systems. Maximum data quality for your database is achieved through both field-level data merging and editorially enriching data via a title editor.


Based on your licensed catalogues, rules and conditions for data merging can be created individually and at field level, for example the following rule:

For publishers A, B and C, if titles within the subject “ancient history” are available, use the descriptive texts from data source X, otherwise those from data source Y.

Title Editor

The Data Hub cloud also offers a user-friendly title editor that enables the administration and editorial enrichment of productive database(s) with unique content. As a result, publishers and booksellers offer their customers the added value of unique and information-rich search and order platforms. For example, web shop managers at Sack Fachmedien implement their unique content strategy by adding sales-promoting information to the title data. Simultaneously, the search engine ranking for websites and webshops are optimized.

The Title Editor can be individually adapted to field level for maintenance. An unlimited number of styles can be set up for your Title Editor.

Similar to the Austrian-based publisher and specialist supplier MANZ, our editorial team can alternatively enrich title data with subject classifications and keywords.

Bibliographic Databases

All software systems have been created turnkey ready and are hosted in our data centre.
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The NEWBOOKS Catalogues

Comprehensive and Editorially Enriched Metadata: Books, Journals, Online Databases

Subscribe to NEWBOOKS Catalogues and receive daily updated metadata via ONIX feeds, a web service or Data Hub.

ONIX Data Feeds/Web Service

  • NEWBOOKS BookData: metadata for millions of books (English and German publications)
  • Journal Database: comprehensive international journal database
  • Online Databases & Digital Products: thousands of products and licenses

SaaS Systems

Booksellers, publishers and service providers also have the option of using NEWBOOKS Catalogues as part of our SaaS systems. Catalogues are integrated upfront into the managed service:

Benefits for Booksellers

As a partner bookseller, you benefit from the following offers: up-to-date, fully enriched and classified metadata for books, journals, online databases and digital products. Our SaaS systems are alternatives for the processing of ONIX metadata or web service usage.

Your catalogue will contain all relevant bibliographic data for customer information: subject classifications, keywords, description texts, jackets, etc.

Benefits for Publishers

Partner publishers have the option of retrieving and incorporating their enriched metadata into their websites, platforms and applications.

Bibliographic data from NEWBOOKS Catalogues are comprehensively enriched and precisely classified: data quality that scores points with our customers!
Christoph Kaeder
Webshop Manager
Metadata quality has high strategic priority for us. NEWBOOKS enriches metadata for books, journals and online databases as well as prepares the data for consistent and unified search. All of this adds significant value to our customer information that results in higher sales.
Eckart Schlapp

Select Partners

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Journal Database

International Journals, Magazines and Newspapers

Benefit from our unique offer, tailored to the needs of booksellers, pubslihers and information service providers.

Benefits for Booksellers

Our sales-promoting database grants access to a comprehensive collection of journals encompassing academic and professional subjects, magazines, and newspapers, thereby setting itself apart from other databases by offering a vast range of periodicals.

Benefits for Publishers

By integrating their journals into our database and joining our network of booksellers, publishers can gain more visibility, achieve higher sales and wider readership: a profitable investment at a low monthly rate.

The comprehensive journal database of NEWBOOKS Solutions is an excellent basis for us.
Christoph Kaeder
Webshop Manager
Metadata quality for journals is an issue of high strategic priority for us. The way in which NEWBOOKS enriches metadata for journals, online databases and books adds significant value to our customer information and thus a sales relevant added value to Hugendubel.

Select Partners

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Online Databases

Daily Updated and Editorially Maintained Metadata

Booksellers and publishers benefit from this unique offer.

Legal & Medical Databases

Online databases and digital products are part of everyday life for lawyers, tax advisors, medical professionals and researchers. Our catalogue data on online databases are being updated daily, editorially maintained and classified.

Benefits for Booksellers

  • ONIX compliant data feed or web service
  • Databases that are only available here
  • Up-to-date information: current prices, license information, jackets and description texts
  • Optional: usage of online databases metadata within our E-Procurement system
  • Available in combination with the data feed for online databases: Journal Database

Benefits for Publishers

  • Distribution of online databases to all relevant specialist booksellers and corporate suppliers
  • Personal contact with our editorial team
  • We maintain all metadata
  • Daily updates
  • Data retrieval upon request
  • Higher sales
Metadata quality for online databases is an issue of high strategic priority for us. The way in which NEWBOOKS enriches metadata for online databases, journals and books adds significant value to our customer information and thus a sales relevant added value to Hugendubel.
Eckart Schlapp

Select Partners

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The BDS Catalogue

Bibliographic Data Services
Metadata Aggregation, Curation & Enrichment

Metadata with full marketing support for libraries and the book trade:

Covering the Book Market

Together with BDS, we offer one of the largest bibliographic catalogues for English-language publications. More than 40 million fully enriched, timely and comprehensive records cover a wide range of media from print titles to the latest e-books, audio books, films, music, and video games.

Wholesaler's Data Feed

The BDS wholesaler's data feed provides approx. 3 million publications, an unmatched wealth of information.

BDS Data in Approval Plans and

As a library or corporate supplier, you can use the BDS Catalogue in our Approval Plan System and in our E-Procurement system, set up in your corporate design.

BDS’ recognised expertise in the constantly evolving world of bibliographic standards means that we can be sure their records will meet our high quality demands.
Neil Wilson
Head of Collection Metadata
BDS has demonstrated its ability to deliver data which meets our goal of taking the business forward online.
Kieron Smith
Digital Director &

Select Partners


Libri, Ingram, VLB

Additional bibliographic catalogues:

  • Libri (wholesaler's catalogue)
  • Libri.Digital (eBook catalogue)
  • Libri International (incl. Ingram)
  • VLB
  • Nielsen BookData


All Libri catalogues are integrated upfront in the E-Procurement system and in the Employee Shop for Publishers.

Request a demo or more information